MODERN CRIMES: New Video Interview Available

November 17, 2008 recently conducted an interview with MODERN CRIMES, the new "straight-edge thrash/punk" band featuring former A PERFECT MURDER guitarist Carl Bouchard and drummer Yan Chausse along with bassist Luc Verville, singer Frank Pellerin and guitarist Kevin Lemire. Watch the 10-minute chat below.

MODERN CRIMES released its self-titled debut album this past summer via Misfortune Records. The CD was recorded at Wild Studio in St-Zenon, Quebec with producer Pierre RĂ©millard (MISERY INDEX, ION DISSONANCE, DESPISED ICON, KATAKLYSM).

Commented the band: "For those who asked us: How the album sounds like? Well... it is pretty hard to say. Don't expect A PERFECT MURDER version 2 'cuz it's not. It's more a mix between hardcore, thrash metal/punk. There is plenty of diversity."

Check out audio samples on the band's MySpace page.

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